A framework and action plan for the assessment of effectiveness of biodiversity conservation measures in Estonia are completed

As a result of two years of work, a methodological framework and action plan for assessing the effectiveness of Estonian biodiversity conservation measures have been completed. They were developed within the framework of the project “Framework for Assessment of Effectiveness of Biodiversity Conservation Measures in Estonia”, which was funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument, managed by the European Commission Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM).

The project was implemented by the consulting companies Trinomics and Estonian, Latvian & Lithuanian Environment (ELLE) and the NGO Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia in cooperation with DG REFORM and the Estonian Environmental Board.

As part of the project, a methodology to assess the effectiveness of conservation measures at the level of protected areas, an action framework for assessment at the national level and an action plan for their implementation were developed for Estonia.

Additionally, methodological trainings were organized for Estonian conservation specialists, and the results of the project were presented to stakeholders both in Estonia and internationally. The description of the developed evaluation methodology and the action plan, as well as reports on other project activities and results, can be found on the website of the Environmental Board https://keskkonnaamet.ee/bioloogilise-mitmekesisuse-kaitsemeetmete-tulemuslikkuse-hindamise-raamistik-eestis