Nature conservation and biodiversity
Inventory and development of monitoring programme for nature values in Estonian marine areas (NEMA)
Duration: July 2014 – April 2016
Partners: Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu; Estonian University of Life Sciences; NGO ProMare; Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia; GRID-Arendal (Norway)
Financiers: EEA Grants
The general aim of the project was to contribute to the establishment of favourable conservation status of marine nature values in Estonian territorial waters and EEZ in the NE Baltic Sea. Specifically project dealt with development of criteria for defining the favourable conservation status and of marine habitat types, development and testing of the monitoring and assessment methods for different habitat types, performing inventories of habitats in potentially suitable areas of EEZ and Natura 2000 sites so far not covered by habitat inventories, performing one series of monitoring to define the status and quality of marine habitat types in different areas of Estonian territorial waters and EEZ, performing detailed inventory of waterbirds in Estonian EEZ, developing and testing the monitoring method for ringed seals.
More information:
Kristina Tiivel
Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu
+372 671 8976