Hazardous Chemical Training

One of the priorities of Baltic Environmental Forum is organising training programmes for chemical hazard management. The aim is to raise the awareness and capacity of public authorities, businesses and consumers. Our experts have conducted many seminars and trainings on chemical hazards and risk management, chemical safety and related legislation (REACH, CLP, etc.) for public institutions and industry.

We have organised trainings in the following areas:

– area of regulation of the chemical law (REACH regulation, CLP regulation, chemical inventory etc.);
– chemical safety in businesses (eg. employee training, chemical risk assesment);
–  substances hazardous to the aquatic environment.

In addition we have carried out lectures and workshops to raise general consumer awareness:
– hazardous substances in consumer products;
– DIY workshop for eco-friendly cleaning products;
– DIY workshop for natural cosmetics.

For every training we focus on the needs and peciularity of the specific target group. Together with the client we will put together the most suitable  programme.

Contact us: info@bef.ee