Nature conservation and biodiversity

Framework for Assessment of Effectiveness of Biodiversity Conservation Measures in Estonia

Financier: The European Union via the Technical Support Instrument

Partners: The project is implemented by Trinomics B.V., Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Environment (ELLE) and Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia (BEF Estonia) in co-operation with DG REFORM of the European Commission and Estonian Environmental Board (the project’s beneficiary).

Duration: 28/09/2022-27/08/2024

“Framework for Assessment of Effectiveness of Biodiversity Conservation Measures in Estonia” is a technical assistance project with the aim to support Estonian nature conservation authorities to develop and implement a national methodology to assess the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation measures in Estonia. The project is funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument, managed by the European Commission Directorate General for Structural Reform Support.

Under the contract, the consultants from Trinomics, ELLE and BEF Estonia are helping the Estonian Environmental Board (EEB) develop a new methodological approach to effective conservation management in Estonia. The need for this arose from acknowledged room for improvement in protected area management effectiveness and its assessment identified through EEB’s own evaluation. An effective framework will allow to understand the main factors hindering the protection of biodiversity and design better targeted conservation and restoration measures, helping Estonia achieve, among other things, the objectives of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, and the legally binding nature restoration targets in the upcoming EU nature restoration law.

The project includes, among others, the following activities:

  1. Technical baseline review including:
    1. analysing the current approach to assessing the effectiveness of conservation measures in Estonia, and identifying the needs for improvement;
    2. identifying and describing best practices in other EU Member States that could inform improvements to assessment in Estonia;
  2. Formulation of a comprehensive methodological framework for assessing the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation measures in Estonia (primarily for protected areas but also for national level and pilot assessments to calibrate the methodology);
  3. Supporting the implementation of the methodology by development of an action plan and providing training for relevant Estonian experts/specialists;
    Training sessions on assessment methodology for the specialists of the Environmental Board took place on 15.02.2024 in Pärnu and on 20.02.2024 in Tartu.
  4. Communication activities to present the outcome of the project to policy experts and biodiversity conservation authorities in Estonia and raise awareness among EU Member States on the results of the project.

Seminars to introduce the project results:

1. National final seminar on May 8, 2024 at 10:00-17:00 EET / 9:00-16:00 CET in Tartu, University of Tartu, Oecologicum building (J. Liivi 2, room 127) and online (in Estonian). The agenda can be found here. The recording of the seminar can be viewed here.
Presentations (in Estonian):

1. Introduction, Kai Klein, Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia

2. Welcome address, Taavi Tattar, Estonian Environmental Board

3. METT and previously performed management effectiveness assessments in Estonia, Mart Külvik, Estonian University of Life Sciences

4. The methodology for assessing the effectiveness of conservation measures developed in the project “Framework for assessment of effectiveness of biodiversity conservation measures in Estonia”, Pille Antons, ELLE

5. The EEB nature conservation planners’ view and opinion on the assessment methodology, Gunnar Raun, Estonian Environmental Board

6. The action plan for implementation of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of conservation measures, Pille Antons, ELLE

7. The view of the EEB on implementation of the action plan, Marju Keis, Estonian Environmental Board

8. Plans for development of data/IT systems, including the planned activities of the Estonian-Swiss cooperation programme project and the assessment tool planned in EELIS, Timo Kark, Estonian Environment Agency

9. ELME layers for assessment of effectiveness of conservation measures, Hanna Kaarin Hermlin, Estonian Environment Agency 

10. An overview of the results related to the management effectiveness assessment of the project “Forecasting changes in the status of endangered and protected species in Estonian natural habitats and developing protection measures” (KATUS), Asko Lõhmus, University of Tartu

11. Overview of the PROTECT BALTIC project dealing with the effectiveness of the management of marine protected areas, Georg Martin, Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu

12. The importance of assessing the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation measures and the use of the results from the perspective of the Ministry of Climate, Hanno Zingel, Ministry of Climate

2. International final webinar on May 29, 2024 at 10:00-13:45 EET / 9:00-12:45 CET (in English). The agenda of the webinar can be found here. The recording of the webinar can be viewed here.
1. Introduction, Maha Cziesielski, Trinomics
2. Estonian methodology for evaluation of protected areas’ management effectiveness, Graeme Nicholls, Trinomics
3. Action plan for implementation of the methodology to assess the effectiveness of conservation measures in Estonia, Pille Antons, ELLE
4. The latest developments and next steps concerning management effectiveness assessment on a European level: EU – PAME. Proposal for an EU methodology to assess management effectiveness of Natura 2000 sites and other protected areas, Vedran Nikolić, European Commission, DG Environment

Additionally, the project contributed to the organisation of the TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument of the European Commission) hybrid workshop that took place on 20 April 2023 in Tallinn. The aim of the workshop was to facilitate exchanges on experience, knowledge and good practices of other EU Member States in developing a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of conservation measures in Protected Areas.

The description of the developed evaluation methodology and the action plan, as well as reports on other project activities and results, can be found on the website of the Environmental Board

More information:
Merle Kuris
+372 56203864

This project is carried out with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the author(s). The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.